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Sirens Stories



... And the fires flickered on his father’s face.

"Yuval" Three in the morning A soft blue light emanated under the blanket. His father stared into the darkness at the tell-tale light And whispered, “Aren’t you asleep yet?” “Wait! I’m fighting the Klaxons,” Yuval whispered back. The twelve-year-old jinxe...

The Old Codger’s Canine Complaint

All you can hear is a pack of dogs doing their off-key impression of the finale to the 1812 Overture

Now, I'm not complaining, you understand, but these foreign dogs I’m living with are crazy. I call those house-hounds 'foreign' because one is part German Shepard, another is a mix of French poodle and something else, while the other is probably, more or...

Sirens song....

Roy was 13 years old when he found the last place he would ever see.

Roy Rogers used to live an average life with average money. He had an average family, no siblings, a mother and a father. Roy was 13 years old when he found the last place he would ever see. A week earlier: Roy was walking home from school, it was the lat...