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America Stories


American Carnage

James and Zarina are nobodies more or less until they've been arranged to marry each other.

Zarina felt herself being stared at which is something she should be used by now.  The three versions of herself in the mirror looked back at her for an answer to the question they posed. It made glancing at the beautiful figure in front of her hard and y...

Land of the brave… home of the free?That’s not quite right, but he’s not a mind for details. The whiskey slurs and slops in his stomach like a bad dream. American flag shorts. Unemployment lines color his future.The men America left behind sit huddled in...

Unanswered Questions

A couple a questions no one can answer with proper, justifiable responses that aren't just opinion

1: Why is pot illegal, but Beer and Cigarettes (two of the deadliest inventions known to man) are.2: Why does America still think it's the number one country?3: Why is it okay to tell a person they are too skinny, but it's considered not nice to call a pe...