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Disbelief Stories


Gerry stared at the computer screen, disbelieving, his eyes wide open. “Oh no,” he screamed, throwing his arms in the air and falling back in his leather office chair. “It can’t be. I can’t have done that.” Furiously, he pecked at the keyboard but knew it...

The Strange White Man Part 22

Cousin Jasper arrives.

The man who had been Aunt Lilly was now Cousin Jasper Sloan. Shortly after he arrived at the hotel he combined two of the trunks he brought with him into one. Before switching disguises he contacted the desk clerk who arranged to have that one trunk taken...

Lafayette slept from about 2:00 AM on Sunday until around 9:00 AM. He awoke and made a meager breakfast from the leftovers on the dinner tray that was brought yesterday. He then made coffee and began to formulate a plan to help his friend before he began...