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Paper Stories


I pick up my pen and paper to write, but my head is blank, empty of words. Blank like a clean lonely slate that will never know the pleasure of words written on it for company, empty like the hollowness of nothing. I feel like a soul still searching for p...

The Paper Knight

A child's view of a paper toy loved and gone...

From the moment he made youto the moment I saw you ruined,I always knew you were weakand that you'd eventually be torn. Your shield so small,you couldn't keep it up front.Your sword so short, it refused to stay put.Your armor so thin,a needle was all it t...

Golden Cottonwoods

a nod to Frost

Whose woods are these? I guess, I’ll never know. His house might be in Portland . . . or Seattle. He wouldn’t care to know That I pedal past his trees And marvel at the way they grow Line after golden line of leaves March toward the paper-mill Over the hi...